Friday, July 9, 2010

Poem of the Week: You Are There by Erica Jong

Dear Reader,

I would like to share with you, from time to time, poems I come across that speak to me for whatever reason. I aspire to do this regularly, but if I say that I may well jinx myself, so let's just pretend I never said anything, mmmmmKay?

So, today's poem is by Erica Jong. My first memory of Erica Jong is reading bits and pieces of her famous novel Fear of Flying. My memory is foggy, but I recall pulling the book down off of the towering bookshelf in my parents' house, settling into the corner, and reading an excerpt that involved, well, flying...and also a little bit of naughtiness that took place whilst doing just that. I suppose the character was "flying" both literally AND figuratively.

I just checked out a review of the book on the Erica Jong website and may have to add the book to my summer reading list! Sounds juicy. I love juice.

This poem came to me via The Writer's Almanac - a delightful service of American Public Radio, by the way, and one that can use your support if you are so inclined.

Let me know what you think of the poem. Or, in other words: "Leave a freakin' comment, why don't you?!?"

Now, without further ado: You Are There, by Erica Jong.

You are there.
You have always been
Even when you thought
you were climbing
you had already arrived.
Even when you were
breathing hard,
you were at rest.
Even then it was clear
you were there.

Not in our nature
to know what
is journey and what
Even if we knew
we would not admit.
Even if we lived
we would think
we were just

To live is to be
Certainty comes
at the end.

"You Are There" by Erica Jong, from Love Comes First. © Penguin Group, 2009.

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